Thursday, September 17, 2009

Incorporating Training into Feeding Time - with videos

Doggie mealtime is a great time to practice "impulse control" and manners training. Food is a huge motivator for most dogs, so it should be easy to train your dog to sit calmly and wait for his or her food, even if he is easily excitable.

Below is a video of a dog that has learned the routine. He voluntarily sits, waits, and makes eye contact and starts eating only when released.  I put the bowl down slowly and didn't make any quick body movements, as I didn't want the dog to release himself because of my quick body movements.  As he becomes more used to the routine, I will be able to move more quickly.

You can explicitly ask your dog to Sit and Wait (or Stay) before releasing him to eat, but it's kind of fun to let your dog figure it out on his own.

Below is a video clip of a puppy that figures out that she won't get to eat until she waits in a seated position.  I lifted the bowl every time she got up from the Sit position.  You'll be surprised how fast puppies pick this up!

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